Before I get into the crux of it, let me tell you what I really mean when I say “Can a Man Live Alone”. Of course, a man can live alone but that’s not the crux of it, the point is can a man live alone and thrive. Would he grow at all? Can a lone person compete with someone who is surrounded by friends and family?
I think it is very important to address this issue, especially in this internet age. All this technology gives us an illusion of being connected to each other, but the reality is completely opposite.
With technology, life expectancy has increased tremendously. Just 50 years back, people who lived less than 50 years on average now lives more than 80. That’s a significant improvement.
People don’t die of illness because there has been a superb advancement in medical science.
People don’t have to worry about food, because of the growing economy and corporate culture. The food is available all the time. Even in the middle of the night.
People don’t die because of wild animals, it’s the opposite actually.
All of this advancement eliminated the dependency of people by people. They are no longer dependent on each other for survival.
This led to another era where people find themselves living all by themselves, posting on social media, video chatting with friends and family and when it’s all switched off, they are simply alone. No one to talk to, no one to share ideas, no one to take care of.
A scary place to be in, don’t you think?
All this screen time is hurting the soul. It’s taking away the power to create something truly amazing.
It is important to realize that living alone is not a wise choice.
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