I’m writing on this blog almost after a year now. The last post was on last year’s Jan. And I still remember vividly what I did and the feeling remains. Last year it was an all nighter with friends in London. We went to see the fireworks over the iconic London bridge with London Eye in the background. We were doing all that you could imagine. Partying, dancing and drinking all night.
However, this year was very quite. Quite the opposite.
Before the beginning of the year I went to my home for Diwali celebration. I took complete 1 month break from work and spent all my time with family and friends. Mostly family. Although I had to come back to work before Christmas, so I travelled on 21th December from there.
I brought sweets for my neighbours here. The famous Indian sweets 🙂

Since I no longer live in London and moved to a town near NewCastle called Consett. I got to experience the traditional Christmas and decorations.
It was very quite and to be frank I really liked it. People were going to each other’s house with sweets, friends visiting each other, decorations all around. Everyone’s house was lit and it was amazing. So, I also brought some lights for my window decoration. This is how it looked from inside. I didn’t took it from outside (I’m that lazy and also its always cold outside).

My kind neighbours gave me sweets as well. And we sat and talk and it felt very inclusive.

I’m excited for this new year. I think there’s a lot going to happen this year that it did the previous one. And I will make sure to keep you all updated here.
Till next time!
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