Sometimes I like to sit in front of my computer and just think about my life.
What am I doing?
Why am I doing it?
What’s my direction?
And to answer all these questions, I look back in time.
There is a truth in the saying that your past creates the future. This is very evident because when I look back and analyse the path that led me to where I’m today… is nothing but a series of choices. These choices were always based on my past experiences and future ambitions.
Life Is a Maze
I perceive life as a maze. The start is your birth and death is your exit. In between these two points, there are paths. The paths could be filled with flowers or thorns. You never know. Your choices will define which path you choose.
The good news is that it is not permanent. You will always reach an intersection pretty soon and then you will get to choose again.
I’m standing at such an intersection right now.
I’ve to make a choice.
And as I said – choices depends on past experiences and future ambitions. And there are times (like this) when there is a conflict between your past experiences and future ambitions. Your experience says that you cannot do it because the last time you did something like this it ended up costing you a lot. But then your ambitions are equally weighted. Such choices are hard to make.
That is when the principles come into play.
The principles are like the rules that you create for yourself. I created these rules for myself when I failed miserably and learned a lesson. I created these rules to not repeat the same patterns that took me to the path of thorns. So far these principles have helped me to make choices. Maybe that’s why many self-help books talk about having principles because it helps in decision making.
I do not know what I’m going to choose or if am just going to halt for some time (which is a choice in itself). But whatever it is, I will make sure there are no regrets.
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