Today was one of those days when you work a little longer than usual and find yourself exhausted by the end of the day.
I started my day early and ended late. It was meant to happen.
I woke up at 7 (a bit late), in pain (I played basketball last day and my body was aching), and got ready for the office. I was in pain but I was very efficient with my morning routine. That was commendable.
I was ready to go to the office in less than an hour (before 8:00 AM). But instead of going to the office, I thought of scrolling through the day’s work that I have to do. And then I got a bit lost and started working. And soon it was 8:45. So, I left for the office.
I didn’t felt like having breakfast today. But by the time I reached the office, I was hungry. So I grabbed an apple. It was a bad decision not to have breakfast in the morning.
When I arrived at my work desk, I found there was nothing on the table. Everything was cleared up because of some clear desk policy that I was not aware of. But then it was time for the meeting so I attended the meeting, got myself a coffee and dug in the office cartons to find my stuff.
Finally, I found it. But it took me around 15 minutes.
Damn, the monitor HDMI cable was missing so I had to work with only my laptop. And I’m too lazy to go to the IT desk and ask for a cable. No kidding.
At last, I was able to start with the work.
There was a lot to do today including the meetings. I did not notice how quickly the time flew by. I forgot about the hunger as well. But then around 4 I was feeling hungry again so I grabbed another apple. And finished up the essential tasks for the day and headed back home. It was already 7.
I stopped by a restaurant and picked up food on the way. I was very hungry.
Got home, ate my food slowly for an hour. Literally for an hour. It was so tasty. Especially when you eat after the entire’s day work, the food tastes tastier ♥️
Here’s what I had for the dinner,

I enjoyed every bite of it.
Can’t express to you how thankful I’m.
And now after watching 2 episodes of The Office, I’m writing this article to end my day.
Good Night and until next time.
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