I have grown up in this biased society.
I have faced bias in school, college, leisure, profession and everywhere I have been in India.
For instance, when I was in school, the IIT form cost 650 INR for male candidates in the general category but it was free for females. Now, it is 325 INR for females. I don’t get the rationale behind this.
Are all females poor and cannot afford to buy the form?
Are all boys assumed to be rich and therefore they pay 325 /- more?
Please tell me the thought process behind this if you know it.

Another instance would be the free entry for girls inside clubs 😆. Well, this I get the rationale. But I wonder why don’t I see any revolt against this by females. This act clearly makes them look like something that I cannot say. But… they seem to be okay with this. Maybe they have become habitual by taking extra over men.

Another instance – companies are only hiring female candidates specifically to eliminate the competition. Maybe they want to prove that females can’t compete against men. I don’t get the rationale behind this. They say they want to bring the female number equal to men – by – discriminating the process itself 😂 killing the talent. Hurting the industry by hiring the best from the rest instead of hiring the actual best (read again).

These are just a very few examples out of thousands of discrimination that men face every day in India.
It saddens me to even talk about these things, but sometimes it’s important to point it out.
Maybe it will improve someday and finally, females will actually compete with men shoulder to shoulder, face to face without discrimination.
You’re so right. The world is not fair.
For india lemme also shed some light on what i have seen:
most women aren’t allowed to go out late at night, if few of them are able to and also make it to ladies night I don’t see what is an issue there? Atleast someone is celebrating on behalf of the rest of the women population who aren’t able to make it past 8pm in india outside their homes without a man accompanying them.
Most parents start saving for their daughter marriage as soon as they’re born, never their education. Most of them are never happy when a daughter is born, few of them kill them as soon as they’re born or even before. If govt gives them some subsidy on their forms what’s the harm? Anyways its a long journey for them to convince their parents to spend money on their education. Being from an educated family i have seen this bias, i cannot imagine how difficult it must be for for other families who don’t have as much privelege! With many daughters and one son you can guess who is going to get priority on that education wheel. And anyways govt isn’t giving them any subsidy on the actual fees.
And lastly on the getting specific women related hiring, I don’t think women get a special treatment and the hiring quality is reduced for those special interviews. They are expected to have the same level of competence. Now just think, given the amount of opportunities they’re getting from their childhood where their family even wasn’t happy about them being born, it takes a lot of guts to even be at that interview and proving your worth. At every step they have to prove that this is their right and they belong here….
And yes i do believe men do face biases but i guess you need to change the angle here.
Expecting men to be strong and not cry that’s bias. Men should be freely able to wear what they want, have long hair if they want or express themselves in whatever way that’s comfortable to them. They should be able to do jobs what they like (even cooking, drawing, stitching, nursing which have so much gender stigma)
All that patriarchal society rules that have tarnished the thought process of millions that has to be improved. Gay men need to be less stereotyped. LGBTQ people need to have more rights.
Every one wants equal rights but to reach there we need to first fix what we broke last many years. The healing is slow but that’ll take time and is happening.
I would have appreciated it more if you revealed your identity. But anyways let me respond –
Most women aren’t allowed to go out late at night, if few of them are able to and also make it to ladies night I don’t see what is an issue there?
This is not the point of discussion here. The point is that their entry is free (and we all know the real reason). Anyways, I would like to answer your question – Firstly, There is no law that states they cannot go or stay late outside. Secondly, Going out and staying late is not just a girl thing. Every parent is concerned for their child. They say this for their child’s safety. Ofcourse, we wouldn’t be talking about this if we lived in the ideal world. Unfortunately, that is not the case. So, if they wanna go out, nobody’s stopping them, it’s just for their safety. FYI, it happens with boys too.
Most parents start saving for their daughter marriage as soon as they’re born, never their education. Most of them are never happy when a daughter is born, few of them kill them as soon as they’re born or even before. If govt gives them some subsidy on their forms what’s the harm?
If only you did some research to actually find out the real numbers. Well, if a girl is dead, she wouldn’t be filling any form. This is for the girls who are alive 😁
The other thing about the money-saving part, it is practised but in a few rural areas where there is a lack of education. Where filling a form is not at all a concern, sending a girl to school is. And where are those clauses in the form that states that if your parents are saving for your marriage then and only then you will get the subsidy. Well, there’s no such clause. And every girl is being treated like they are a burden to their family and hence subsidised. I’m sure you wouldn’t want people to think that way. Because it’s happening. It is creating more problems. Females are being looked down on because of such biases. I don’t know why abled women don’t raise their voices. Maybe everyone enjoys leverage.
This is just a very small example. Society is very biased towards females. We see that every day on news.
"I don’t think women get special treatment and the hiring quality is reduced for those special interviews?"
Sorry to say but you are completely wrong with this one. How can a company hire the best talent if they have eliminated half the population from taking part in it? It’s not tough math. I hope you can do it. This is the worst move and is affecting industries already. I’ve seen that and many leaders are against this. But hey, we have empowered women by giving them leverage and unfair advantages 😂
The thing that you talked about men. Well, those are opinions, not biases.
I can only request you to
There’s no sense of achievement if there’s no competition. Stop hurting their pride.