Hey friends, I’m sure that this article title is very familiar to most of you. We all have at some point in time forced our best friends to buy something irrespective of the fact whether they need it or not. We force them because we want to see them with good stuff 😀 Afterall, this is called true friendship :p Recently, I forced my best friend to buy OPPO A57. She is the most humble and simple girl in this modern era. She lives a minimalist lifestyle, be content with what you have as long as it fulfils your needs. A very cool philosophical chapter, but who cares, living with the current pace is also important. So, I had to make her purchase the smartphone anyway.
How it started…
If you have such friend in your circle then you would know how difficult it is to convince such person. I was just looking for an opportunity to make her feel that she actually needs a new smartphone. I started by making comments on her smartphone phone. Let me provide a little background story of her and why I had to make her purchase a new smartphone.
Little Background
She never bought any smartphone in her entire life. The phone that she used was gifted to her by her brother 5 years ago. Believe it or not, people like her exist. Her phone was in a very bad condition and asking for “MUKTI”. It was in the worst condition that I couldn’t see her mobile like that. The screen of that mobile was out so she had to stick it with five rupees wala feviquick. Screen was almost shattered, I still don’t know how it was still working (HTC make robust smartphones). There were 3 cracks on the screen. The phone was not even capable of changing the sim card. She once kept it near a stove, so the plastic cover of sim slot got melted and stuck somehow. So, the sim couldn’t even come out of that mobile. She was using whatever was left of the phone and had no problem at all.
Coming Back…
So, you see, I had all the rights to make such comments. I also had an edge because I also brought a new smartphone about a week ago. I continuously kept mocking her. At the start, nothing much happened. She doesn’t even notice but you see when you start doing it frequently, people notice and so did she. One day we were going to visit our friend’s house someplace in Pune and I forgot my mobile that day. We both are new to this place and lost our way. The only hope for us was her mobile’s GPS and people of Pune. We went with the first option and that was our mistake. Her mobile’s GPS was 5 seconds slower in showing us the right way. And If you are driving then these 5 seconds might result in extra 2km. Believe it or not, it took us more than 1 hour to reach our destination. If we would not have taken help of the GPS we would have easily reached 30 minutes earlier. This incident made her start thinking about changing her smartphone. The same thing happened when we were coming back home the same day Only difference is that this time it was intentional :D. This time she was sure that she needs to get a new smartphone and I was there to support her decision strongly.
The next day we went to the nearest mobile store and purchased OPPO A57 32GB (GOLD). And this was the right decision. She was really happy to get her new smartphone. The smile got stuck on her face. We took loads of photos at the store itself. Then she gave me fulki chat wala treat. Take a look at some of the images that we took that day.

It was a fun day.
Thanks for reading 🙂
Oh Almost Forget, Here’s the mobile phone,
And as always,
Be my aficionado 🙂
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