When you are working in a fast-paced environment, then you may find yourself occupied with too many tasks or handling too many streams at the same time.
It is very difficult to manage everything at once.
Then you start switching contexts too frequently which results in a loss of time. Context-switching is one of the biggest enemies. The time killer.
For the past few days, I’ve been in a similar situation where I find myself working on too many streams at the same time. And at the end of each day, I found myself tired.
Productivity takes a hit.
So, I came up with a different approach to managing it all.
The approach that I picked was to divide my days into small segments of time.
For ex- First segment – review PRs, in the second segment – code the feature and like wise.
I have seen a drastic improvement in the way I work.
- I’m less tired,
- More productive,
- and at the end of the day, I have enough energy to do my other work.
Take Short Breaks Frequently
Another important aspect that I added to the mix is – frequent short breaks. And this is very effective.
This came as a side-effect of breaking my day into segments. Whenever I’m done with my segment, I take a break before starting another segment. That way my segments are small and effective.
Also, I used the breaks to revitalize my mind. During my breaks, I usually meditate, eat something, drink, dance, sing.
Anything helps. Just find your thing.
So if you find yourself overwhelmed by a lot of tasks then try breaking your day into segments.
The best would be to find a way to reduce the tasks you are doing at once but if you cannot (like me) then the segment approach really working for me. Give it a try.
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