I never lie.
Every time I tell this to someone, they don’t believe me… But it’s true.
I’m someone who realised the importance of telling the truth from a very young age and carry that trait proudly.
I can guarantee you that truth is better in every aspect.
People tell lies frequently even over small matters and as a consequence, their self-confidence and esteem start degrading.
Let me give you an example from my experience which I think is quite common.
Whenever I use to go on a trip with my friends, I always use to tell my parents where am I going and with whom. But I had some friends in the group who use to lie to their parents about their whereabouts.
Especially girls.
I always advised them to face their parents and tell the truth. But I failed to make that happen most of the time. They were afraid to tell their parents that they are going out with friends… and some of them are boys. This might be shocking to you but if you are an Indian this is quite common.
There could be many reasons to tell a lie, but there is only one reason, to tell the truth – and that is you take 100% responsibility for your actions and you have confidence in yourself and that you are not doing anything wrong. And by wrong, I don’t mean the thing that you all are thinking. That’s not wrong… that’s just personal. By wrong, I mean things that you know you shouldn’t be doing and still do. Like drink and drive, smoking your ass off, taking drugs, and the list goes on…
You see the moment you tell a lie, you give birth to guilt. This guilt is much more destructive because the people you are lying to are your parents. They are someone who loves you and you love them.
And you think they don’t know… but the reality is – they can tell when you are lying (most of the time) and at times when they can’t tell… they find out. So, lying is a very bad idea. So if you have been lying to your parents or anyone who cares about you then stop it right away.
Hide But Don’t Lie
Now there’s a fine line between hiding personal stuff and telling a lie about it.
You would agree with me when I say – you can’t tell everything to everyone (especially your parents). Not because they won’t understand (sometimes they don’t) but because it is too embarrassing and might hurt your self-esteem.
At this point, it is totally fine to hide it. In fact, it is a wise thing to do.
It’s your personal thing, you have all the right to hide it.
If someone insists or forces you – politely refuse. It would not only make you stronger but also give you the confidence to stand in front of others.
It’s always better to refuse to tell something rather than making things up that could weaken you in long term.
I hope that from this day onwards you won’t lie to anyone about anything.
Until next time.
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