There is a death clause somewhere in the age old scripture that states that if the planet mars is at the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house in the kundali then the person she/he marry will die prematurely.
This is a facsinating topic and I found that this clause has broken more hearts and marriages than anything in the world (precisely India).
I do not know if it is true or just a myth, but I would like to see or perform a statistical experiment to find this out.
We live in a technological advance society where answering such questions are easy.
The proposed experiment is as follows:
- Record the birth time of every soul. This can be recorded from hospitals with precision.
- Then whenever they marry, take this data, generate a match and if they have this Manglik dosha, then someone must die without living their complete life.
All this calculation can be performed at the time of death of each person. That way it would be easy to link the dots backwards. This seems to be a fairly simple experiment given the fact that we already record such data. The data may be scattered but we have ways to find that out. By performing this experiment, we would be doing humanity a big help.
Either we will be eradicating this belief once and for all (in which case no more marriages will be broken) or we could discover an entirely new science that could change the world we live in today. I really don’t want it to be true by-the-way, because that would mean that every life is deterministic 😅. Such a boring world that would be.
Both ways we do humanity a big help.
I would appreciate if someone would be willing to help me build a system that would enable us to perform this experiment at a large scale. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
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