Looking from the outside, it looks like single life is pretty amazing and exotic in a big city. Fewer expenses, more freedom, fewer responsibilities… but unfortunately that is not the case.
Living alone has its disadvantages. I would say it has more disadvantages than advantages.
Don’t fall sick
There is no one to take care of you. You have to be responsible for your health and care.
This is a big thing. When you are living close to your family, you can simply call them or they are just an hour away. They can board a flight and come to you less than half a day. But when you live outside then there is no way they can come to you.
Now it is your responsibility to take care of yourself. Don’t fall sick, because it’s going to be very hard. Eat carefully, because that is the main source of all the problems.
You just can’t afford to get sick. And if you did get sick then you will have to be strong enough to make yourself well again.
Take a minute and imagine, you will get the answer.
Cooking, cleaning and other daily chores
Your life is divided into multiple segments now. It’s not just about work anymore.
Now, along with work you have to take care of cooking every day.
Cooking is a job in itself. And it requires preparation and skills. For someone like me, it was very difficult. Because I didn’t know how to cook. And there have been days where I just ate chips and called it a good night.
But time and situations teach us everything and now I know how to cook and never sleep empty stomach.
Apart from cleaning, you have to take care of the house. You do cleaning as well. Then don’t forget the laundry. Laundry is crucial. It easily takes up 2 hours of my time. I keep it once a week on weekends. But I can’t afford to miss it.
My days start with cooking breakfast, work, cooking lunch, work, fitness, dinner (if I feel a need for it), personal hustle, sleep and repeat.
Now between this, I also have to add space for my hobbies and other passions.
I’m telling you it’s not easy. It takes a lot of determination and willpower to get up every day and make that day work for you.
I won’t bore you anymore, I’ve bored you already so will take adieu.
Until next time.
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