Have you ever been in a conflict with your parents?
A conflict that is not based on logic.
A conflict that is not based on facts.
But a conflict that is based on superstition.
A superstition that parents believe is forced on one of life’s biggest decisions.
You can’t go against them, because then they will be unhappy for the rest of their lives, which will make your life a living hell. I mean who can see their parents unhappy. If you go with them, then you might always live with the guilt. There will be sadness around you. And then they would not like it again because they don’t want to see their child sad. But then their belief is too strong to be surrendered in front of their child’s happiness.
Such situations often result in sadness.
Emotion is a complex thing. You think you can control your emotions, and somewhat you can. But it always leaves some trigger points. Those trigger points often bring back the same pain that you felt before. It’s kind of hard to get past it. You can only accept it and move on. You cannot change it or manipulate it into something else.
In such situations, whatever comes out of your mouth is considered wrong.
You are considered wrong.
You are not supposed to go against their superstition because that’s huge for them.
The counselling doesn’t help here because they are your parents. Someone will have to accept other’s decisions.
If we would have been living in the ideal world. Then your life decisions will be yours.
But unfortunately (or fortunately) we live in a world which is very complex where your decisions are not entirely yours to make. Especially if you are born in a typical Indian family. The attachment is quite a lot.
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