Have you grown up knowing about only 2 professions – Doctors and Engineers?
This is because society works that way. It is a hard truth of our society.
Why do you think people try to make their children doctors and engineers?
Would you become a doctor if you are not getting paid for it?
Would you become an engineer if you won’t get a penny for your job?
How many artists would preserve or collect the antiques if they couldn’t sell them for a higher price?
How many people would buy these antiques if they couldn’t resell them into the market for profit?
Money is so tied up with status, self-worth and much more. We live in a world where money defines the worth of an individual and not the individual himself. A person living in a village who doesn’t earn money would live his life without getting any attention even though he lived for a cause. Whereas a person living in the city, making a ton of money would be placed higher in society just because he is doing something without purpose that earns money.
Think of the flipside.
What if you start getting money to visit your friend’s marriage or a family gathering? What if you get money to play video games with your gang? What if you got money to help someone in need?
How would that feel?
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