In my opinion, beliefs could be a limiting factor that stops a human to reach its full potential and vice-versa. I wrote it in a negative sentence because of my past experiences. Beliefs often limit people than unleash.
It is very easy to trace down the root of any belief. You just have to keep asking WHYs repeatedly.
Let’s take an example of –
Let’s say you believe in astrology and therefore you have a belief that everything that we do in life is influenced by planets.
The moment you form such a belief, you can very easily see that you have lost control over your life course. You have given the control of your life to some external object in space. As you can see clearly, this is a limiting belief.
Now, how can you reach the root cause of such a belief?
To start with, you will have to take your mind to a place where you cannot argue. What I do is, I start with the most basic but thought-provoking question,
- Did I born with this belief?
The answer to the above question is always NO in my case.
Then the immediate question should be WHY do I believe <your challenging belief>?
Now most often than not, your mind will throw some old memories, some incidents (in this case it would be coincidence) that happened in your life which led you to develop a trust in those external objects.
Next question – Why <accompanied by the incident>?
You gotta dissect that incident/situation/event layer by layer and have to reach the root cause.
And trust me when I say this – there are no coincidences. It’s all probability. And when you scale that probability to the world, that number is often higher. It’s just that our minds cannot comprehend the scale at the moment therefore, we call it a coincidence.
For example – a person won the lottery. Is that a stroke of luck, oh yes if you consider that person uniquely. But when you scale that to a country (not even the world), there are many such people who win the lottery every day. In fact every hour someone is winning a lottery in casinos. It’s not that magical after all.
I hope I’m making sense so far.
Now go back in time and analyse the moment step-by-step. You will find a unique pattern. That pattern is there because of your choices. Because it is your choices that define your course. Your choices that make those coincidences come true.
You will see that the choices you made that day were no ordinary choices. You make some really extraordinary choices to reach where you are. And since your sane mind couldn’t find an explanation for those events that time, you call it a stroke of luck and starts believing in something external.
It is very easy to plant a seed of belief in yourself. I have done it in the past but then it grows out to be negative in all folds. So, be very careful before you let something plant inside you. It can change your entire life around.
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