I come from the Hindu culture where people think that if one is free of pain and suffering, if one does not struggle with it, if one does not die suddenly and if one does not die alone but instead is surrounded by loved ones while dying, then it is a good death. On the other hand, they think if someone dies suddenly or violently, then it is a bad death.
In India, people classified deaths as following –
- Akaal Mrutyu (untimely death)
- Su-Mrutyu (timely death)
- Iccha-Mrutyu (Death by choice)
Now, the question comes, how the one decides if it is timely death or not?
Well, if the person has lived a complete life and death came easy then this is timely death.
If some yogi plans to leave his body at the age of 30 then it is considered timely death. Because it was the Yogi who decided the time and wanted to leave (iccha-mrutyu).
Iccha Mrutyu is considered the highest form of death. Because after this the person is free from the cycle of life and death. Many people know it by the name Mahasamadhi. Such a person has attained control over the very life energies and can liberate from the body without any harm.
Now comes the question that people ask astrologers –
- How long will I live?
- When will I die?
Before I put forth my thoughts on this, I want to make it very clear that astrologers do not predict based on the stars they predict based on you and your lifestyle and the way you ask questions. They are shitty people who are squeezing money from innocent people by pretending to tell them their future.
Now coming back to the question.
Is it possible to predict death?
The short answer – YES.
But this is far more exaggerated.
I can predict by looking at the health, family and habits of the person how long will he/she live. But then what if he met with an accident. Or caught up in disease later on in life. Then my prediction would be wrong. So, you see if everything happens the way it should then, maybe you can predict someone’s death.
Don’t bet on it though.
Nobody has seen the future and it would be a foolish act to predict someone’s death.
Mrutyu has been a fascinating subject for me for some time now.
Am I afraid of death?
To be honest, I’m afraid to die at this point and I think I should be. My life energies are dancing at their full potential. It would be a waste if I die at this point. There is so much to do 😀
I think everyone should be afraid of death.
Maybe afraid is the wrong word here. Everyone should be aware of death. Because the moment you start thinking about death, you start realising that your time here is limited. Then you are motivated to make the most out of it.
I think death is a way to realise the true nature of life.
After learning about death, the priorities in life becomes much more clear.
What would you do if you know when you are going to die?
Until next time.
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