Now-a-days I see a lot of people around me looking into their mobile screens whenever they get the time. You leave them for 10 seconds and the first thing they do is put their hands in their pocket to pull out their smartphone. It’s like their smartphones have become their life support. And if someone is spending half his wakeful life looking at the screen then there is no doubt the person is DUMB.
Okay, maybe I made the conclusion too quickly. Everyone looking at the smartphones is not dumb may be. But the ones who are scrolling their Facebook feeds probably are.
Facebook feeds are filled with ugly lies. People in your circle are posting pictures of food, selfies with wide smiles, groupies with fancy clothes, kitties with funny acts, love and wisdom quote trying to show to the world that their lives are pretty happening and fancy. And I’m sure after posting the picture, they sit on the other side counting the number of likes they receive.
At the end of the day, what do they learn?
They have spent their entire day scrolling through the feed, peeking into other’s fake lives and probably posting the pictures themselves. But what did they got in return?
They got nothing in return, except for a few likes. Nothing more than that.
But let’s see what are the consequences of it.
Negatively Affects the Learning Ability
The cruel thing about Social Media Addiction is that the person suffering from this disease doesn’t really know about it. He is also not aware of the fact that his learning ability is getting affected negatively with every hour he wastes looking at the dumb screen.
The worst part is that he doesn’t really know about it. Not because he is not capable of knowing but because his senses weaken and he becomes less aware of himself and his surroundings.
But it is not limited to that. Other people from his circle (who possess the ability to observe) can observe this disability in the person. And sometimes it is also made fun of.
There are tons of data to prove that Social Media is affecting the health of individuals who are addicted to it. The addiction is similar to that of Cigarettes where one cannot stop himself from smoking the other puff. It is similar in the sense that the one cannot stop the urge of looking into their smartphones just to see how many likes or shares they received.
Wants To Be Seen
Some people take this a step further in the quest to become visible in the world of social media. They start commenting on a random post just to gain traction. They start posting pictures that provoke other people and enjoys it.
The other day when I was running the ad-campaign on Facebook for one of my client, I came across a post that would provoke rage and hatred in the heart of men in the name of Feminism.
That post had a lot of interaction with more than 3000 interactions. Some in the favour and others do not. There were a lot of comments under the posts where people trying to prove their views right. The use of language was pretty bad.
I wondered what made people take out the valuable time from their lives to stop and comment on the post but then I realized that they don’t feel the same way. They don’t feel their time is important or precious. They are just trying to find a place where they can spend their time. And that post was the perfect place for the people as it provoked them.
Obviously, nothing fruitful came out of it. The person who commented is still the same person (a nobody). Nobody is ever going to search through thousands of comments just to admire the person’s thought. It’s bullshit. Instead, if he would have created a blogging website and blogged about it then there would have been a much bigger impact. He would have attracted the like-minded people to his blog and there would have been a chance to get heard.
Mind Becomes Grumpy
This is another attribute of the person who is addicted to Social Media. His mind becomes grumpy and now anyone can easily annoy him.
A person becomes annoyed when he cannot get his head around something. And this is a direct effect of the lack of learning ability.
It is pretty natural. If you find a hard time learning something, or it takes a lot to grasp a new concept then definitely you are going to be pissed. And this is a common behaviour in people who are suffering from Social Media Addiction.
Ever had the bad luck of trying to teach a person who is addicted to Social Media. Well, I had this opportunity and I think I must share it with you all. The person who blames the topic to be hard is the same person who wastes his crucial time with his smartphone scrolling the Facebook feeds.
In my entire engineering life, I never came across a topic that was hard. There were topics that were lengthy and requires more attention but there was no topic that was hard. Every topic I read, I understood. And what I understood I wrote in the exam.
Topics can only become hard to understand if they are written in an alien language. And the people who find topics hard have lost their learning ability.
Watching the feeds all day long without exercising your brain muscle will make it slow. And once your brain power is reduced every vertical in your life gets hurt. So, if you find people addicted to the social network, please be kind to them. Their brain power has been reduced.
It’s The Best Time To Live
If you are trapped in this vicious circle of Social Media Addiction then make it your priority to get rid of this addiction. Trust me, this is the best time to live. The technology is booming and we are living in the best era.
Today you have the power to change the world from the ease of your house. All you need is the Internet.
Discover your talent and enhance it. Create videos and let the world enjoy it. Write what’s inside you and let people connect with you. Share your work that people can use. Share your skills and help people to choose better for their lives. The possibilities are infinite.
The time is not going to come again.
Do not waste it on Social Media.
Social Media Addiction is bad for you and the people around you. If you find someone in your circle who is suffering with this addiction, please help him by buying him a book. Talk to him about the ill effect of Social Media and ask him to deactivate all his Social Media accounts.
Social Media is a great tool if you are using it to increase awareness, stay connected with people who are close to you or when you feel like talking to a large audience.
Please make sure you are using it in the correct way.
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